Saturday, June 18, 2011

Julie Kagawa

If you want to learn more on Julie Kagawa visit her blog at or go to face book and like The Iron Fey or go to Twitter and like the Iron Fey or Julie Kagawa and follow her. I am helping Julie to get more readers because she deserves it.

The Iron King

I recently finished the Iron Fey series and went back to read the first book again. The first book is the Iron King and if you like adventure and mythical creatures I would choose this book. This book is good and I really think you should. The first book is about Megan and her friend Robin Goodfellow and how they encounter new people and terror. They try to find Megan's little  brother Ethan and how they go into the Iron Court to get him back. I found this book in a magazine and thought, I really want to read that book, then one day I was at Walmart and found the book and picked it up instantly and bought it. I really recommened this book to those who love to read and feel like they are in the book.